Thu, 17/12/2009 – Jude Fanton

Frank O’Neill, Independent Consultant and pro bono adviser to Seed Savers, New York, has expertly converted our film “Our Seeds” to a digital NTSC version for showing on TV in the USA.
Here he reports on seven recent screenings for societies and on television in New York:
• Humanist Society of Metropolitan New York – Beth Lamont showed your “Our Seeds” film last Tuesday evening (December 8) at a meeting of the Humanist Society here. See Beth plans to show it again at next month’s meeting on January 12, 2010.
• Manhattan Neighborhood Network I just finished watching the first showing of the NTSC DV tape version of your PAL DVD. Both the sound and picture quality held up perfectly because the entire system is digital, not to mention that the original footage was acquired in high definition.
• the Columbia University Earth Institute in the last two months
• Also Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
• Saturday, December 12 – 1400 to 1500 (2:00 PM to 3:00 PM) on MNN3 (Channel 57 on the Time Warner Cable of NYC cable television network)
• Sunday, December 13 – 0630 to 0730 and also 1830 to 1930 on MNN2 (Channel 56 on the Time Warner Cable of NYC cable television network)
I’m sure that it will be shown many times in the future; the above schedule is all that I’m aware of at the moment.
See Frank’s thoughts on HDV (also covers AVCHD and XDCAM EX)

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