Wed, 05/12/2012 – Michel Fanton
Seed Savers web architect and communication man, John Brisbin with wife Caroline Lieber, are recent arrivals in MT Molloy, up on the range inland from Mosman. Their block is quite a challenge – steep and exposed to the strong winds, with minimal topsoil over shaley clay. The climate is also a challenge: nine months of dry and a short rainy season with large cloud bursts.
Undaunted, John and Caro initiated the MT Molloy Local Seed Network in the hopes of learning from the locals. About forty people attended the inaugural meeting including friends and supporters from as far away as Cairns, Ravenshoe and Byron Bay.
Michel and Jude from Byron Bay lent a friendly hand to John and Caro in their garden and brought locally adapted seeds and stock from local nurseries. Lindy and Michael Alba from Mareeba Local Seed Network brought many wonderful varieties from their long-established network.
Julianne Hartmann and Rob from further south in Ravenshoe came to lend a hand and brought some spinach, cleome and other plants that are suitable to the climate.
Juliana showed the immense diversity that can be grown, with a bit of good design, in the local school gardens that she coordinates.
They were also an extraordinary professional dance by Silke we will post the video of it soon: it was a brilliant mime of plant growth.

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