Sat, 06/08/2011 – Jude Fanton
Here in Ranau, a small administrative town at 1200 metres altitude in Sabah, Malaysia, unsuspecting, small-time market gardeners buy seeds and pesticides in shop like this.
Even though the highlands of Borneo are a few degrees from the equator, their very fertile soils, cool nights and warm days means market gardeners can grow temperate vegetables that would not grow in the lowlands nearby. These are exported to consumers in mega cities such as Tokyo, Osaka, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur. Growers typically have small hothouses to protect their crops from the monsoons but must use biocides to produce a yield.
Seeds and Pesticides Connection
"Our Seeds" broadcast 15 times in Solomon Islands
otorongo, , Seed Blog Archives, 0
Wed, 03/06/2009 – Michel Fanton One Television in the Solomon Islands screened ‘Our Seeds’ our one hour documentary, an...
Can KEFIR, the ferment use to make a rich yoghurt, be "exchanged"?
otorongo, , Seed Blog Archives, 0
Thu, 06/12/2012 – Michel Fanton Yes surely any culinary ferment starters such as sourdough, wine vinegar mothers, yeasts, miso...
Seed Freedom Fortnight of Action Finishes Today
otorongo, , Seed Blog Archives, 0
Tue, 16/10/2012 – Michel Fanton We were in Sydney for Seed Freedom Fortnight of Action from 6th to 14th...
Kazuya, Seed Saver near Nagoya
otorongo, , Seed Blog Archives, 0
Fri, 10/11/2009 – Jude Fanton Kizuya-san is a young, new farmer who is very serious about his seed saving....
Aid Agencies and Seed
otorongo, , Seed Blog Archives, 0
Fri, 04/12/2009 – Jude Fanton If aid agencies are to help the poorest of the farmers they may as...
Malaysian Seed Network on National TV and in National Press
otorongo, , Seed Blog Archives, 0
Wed, 14/03/2012 – Jude Fanton Michel and Jude Fanton were invited onto Malaysia’s NTV7’s Breakfast Show, a national television...
Azolla: Fertiliser for Rice Paddies & ChickenFeed
otorongo, , Seed Blog Archives, 0
Thu, 23/08/2012 – Michel Fanton Azolla, a fern like floating algae, doubles in size every five days under warm...
Hervey Bay Seed Savers distributes seeds
otorongo, , Seed Blog Archives, 0
Sun, 12/11/2009 – Jude Fanton The Hervey Bay Seed Savers Network has just distributed 2000 packets of pigeon peas via...