We heard on the grape vine, that The Australian ABC TV have interviewed Michel and Jude Fanton. Now the ABC will broadcast “A retrospective of Seed Savers Network” this Saturday (Aug 9th!) episode 21. Never mind  that the couple have missed the TV train, so far they have not invested in a Black and White TV, let alone not a wide screen TV. ahhhhh…The couple will eventually catch up with the programme on their computer screen through the so called ABC IWiew aka “video on demand”.
We hear on the same grape vine that the ABC has used some of the footage of SeedSavers film doco “Our Seeds” Also they will broadcast some of the ABC 1987 archival footage on SeedSavers on episode 21. If you are apart of a Local Seed Network you know that you can register and that it is free of cost. No dosh changes hands. Interviewer is Jeremy Coleby-Williams.

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