We love our pollinators. Check our Instagram for high speed videos of pollinators insects we meet. Here is a great article on an australian native bee.
Our dear insect pollinators
Kimie, Natural Seed Saver Par Excellence
otorongo, , Seed Blog Archives, 0
Sun, 15/11/2009 – Jude Fanton Commercial farmer, Kimie grows the most productive market garden with her own seeds and...
Should common heritage plants be able to be privatised?
Michel, , Seed Blog, 0
We need to stop Australia’s genetic heritage from being taken overseas
June and July Seed tour this european summer 2016
Michel, , Our People, Seed Blog, 0
Jude and Michel will be travelling to Singapore, Turkey, Italy and France this coming June and July. Michel will...
Bt cotton faked as organic
otorongo, , Seed Blog Archives, 0
Sat, 05/12/2009 – Jude Fanton The Hindu Times of 18th November 2009 reported that there are hundreds of cases...
Are Seed Banks Turning into Seed Morgues?
Michel, , Seed Blog, 0
Hear the latest about Ehtiopia’s farmers community seed banks are in a much best position to take care of...
Film Clip on Selling Pesticides to Unsuspecting Farmers in Sabah
otorongo, , Seed Blog Archives, 0
Fri, 05/08/2011 – Jude Fanton This is one of a dozen videos that we shot and posted in our...
How to Raise Seedlings in a Banana Leaf Pot
otorongo, , Seed Blog Archives, 0
Tue, 21/08/2012 – Jude Fanton Don’t have tiny pots for transplanting individual seedlings? Can’t afford to buy some. Use...
"Our Seeds" broadcast 15 times in Solomon Islands
otorongo, , Seed Blog Archives, 0
Wed, 03/06/2009 – Michel Fanton One Television in the Solomon Islands screened ‘Our Seeds’ our one hour documentary, an...