SeedSavers needs help. We are after one very kind person who is familiar with adding content to Wikipedia to start a Wiki entry for The Seed Savers’ Network. Michel has tried but was rejected by Wiki moderators/editors as they are too close to the organisation (as founders) to be allowed to talk about the organisation they started and are the principals. Local Seed Network members and coordinator are able to. Anyone who has done this before is needed.  When the original entry is done other people, anyone in fact is entitled to complete any entry, correct it, add to it, add references,  footnotes etc as it happens in the Wiki world. Watch SeedSavers A Retrospective on ABC TV GA, 6.30 or Saturday Aug 9th or later on IView videos on demand. Episode 21 show recent interviews of Michel and Jude with Jerry Coleby-Williams and replays 1987 ABC footage and some footage from “Our Seeds” a doco produced by SeedSavers in 11 countries and translated in a number of languages including Russian dubbing last month.  “Michel and Jude Fanton” the name, yields 32 pages of results on Google so there is plenty of references out there, 3 books, tonnes of references in dozen of books, and about the 28 years old organisation, yet the organisation have no entry on Wikipedia. So far. Until someone enters one. Thank you for helping, you the very busy person with a bit of time for SeedSavers. There are things Jude and Michel cannot do by themselves nor should they. So they are grateful for a person to do that badly needed entry on Wikipedia. BTW Michel and Jude Fanton also need a personal entry on Wikipedia.

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