US pressures El Salvador to buy Monsanto's GMO seeds
Are Seed Banks Turning into Seed Morgues?
Michel, , Seed Blog, 0
Hear the latest about Ehtiopia’s farmers community seed banks are in a much best position to take care of...
Jerry Coleby-Williams interviews SeedSavers' Michel and Jude Fanton
Michel, , Our People, Seed Blog, 0
Aug 9th 2014: on ABC TV Gardening Australia”A SeedSavers retrospective” with Jerry CW, long time friend & board member....
Seedsavers Reunion in Japan
otorongo, , Seed Blog, 0
Seedsavers as a movement has expanded in Japan beyond belief in the last 12 years. Today the quest for clean...
Taiwan to Create Seed Network
Michel, , Seed Blog, 0
After translating and fitting Our Seeds our one hour documentary with Chinese subtitles, a group of Taiwanese gardeners,...
Right to Save Seeds Under Review
Michel, , Seed Blog, 0
In Canada the right to save and condition seeds and reuse on their own farms is now a privilege...
Michel, , Seed Blog, 0
Brian farms just over 2,200 acres in Indiana with his father and grandfather where they raise corn, soybeans, popcorn,...
The story of farmers who broke the chains
Michel, , Seed Blog, Seed Blog Archives, 0
How Lentils Started an Underground Food Movement
WIKIPEDIA Entry needs doing
Michel, , Seed Blog, 0
SeedSavers needs help. We are after one very kind person who is familiar with adding content to Wikipedia to...