Prolific photographer Stuart Owen Fox: a great friend
Discover SeedSavers strong supporter met Einstein
ABC TV Gardening Australia Sat 9th
Michel, , Seed Blog, 0
We heard on the grape vine, that The Australian ABC TV have interviewed Michel and Jude Fanton. Now the...
Pink pineapples just the tip of iceberg
Michel, , Seed Blog, 0
A few genetically engineered fruits and vegetables are already available in grocery stores: Hawaiian papaya, some zucchini and squash,...
The story of farmers who broke the chains
Michel, , Seed Blog, Seed Blog Archives, 0
How Lentils Started an Underground Food Movement
Seed Laws that Criminalise Farmers: The book is out
Michel, , Seed Blog, 0
Peasant seeds – the pillar of food production – are under attack everywhere. Under corporate pressure, laws in many...
Will China open its market to Monsanto and Dupont?
Michel, , Seed Blog, 0 For two decades, foreign seed majors have beaten a path to China, lured by a market so big...
GM Seeds Trade Pushed Onto Nations
Michel, , Seed Blog, 0
US pressures El Salvador to buy Monsanto’s GMO seeds Conspiracies are not our favourite subject of conversation in...
SeedSavers is in its 30th year of action
Michel, , Seed Blog, 0
Congratulation to all the SeedSavers out there. It started during a Chinese New Year.
Watch out! Chinese Cheap Seeds Coming
Michel, , Seed Blog, 0
Directly from a Chinese Gov webiste: Chinese have been breeding lots of GMO vegetable crops and used to market...