Seedsavers as a movement has expanded in Japan beyond belief in the last 12 years. Today the quest for clean food in Japan is linked to varietal diversity. old varieties of fruit and vegetables are a sine quanon of quality. Many organisation are supporting the ideas of local varieties for japanese health food.
Former interns Masami san, Masako san and Taiji san join in a meeting of seedsavers friends in Mie Prefecture near Ise shrine for food, seed, shelter and clothing.
photo available on facebook page of the seed savers network.
Seedsavers Reunion in Japan
Are Seed Banks Turning into Seed Morgues?
Michel, , Seed Blog, 0
Hear the latest about Ehtiopia’s farmers community seed banks are in a much best position to take care of...
SeedSavers Wikipedia entry is up!
Michel, , Seed Blog, 0
48 solid references so far in ‘The Seed Savers’s Network’ wikipedia home page.
Right to Save Seeds Under Review
Michel, , Seed Blog, 0
In Canada the right to save and condition seeds and reuse on their own farms is now a privilege...
Michel, , Seed Blog, 0
Brian farms just over 2,200 acres in Indiana with his father and grandfather where they raise corn, soybeans, popcorn,...
Dorothy banana collection: 110 varieties premature death
Michel, , Our People, Seed Blog, 0
Dorothy Tamasia, 19 collected and replanted in her school in the island of Makira, Solomon Islands. She died off...
Jeremy Coleby-Williams: Why save seeds?
Michel, , Seed Blog, 0
In Byron Bay in NSW, a garden has been developed that contains a diversity of useful and edible plants....
Pink pineapples just the tip of iceberg
Michel, , Seed Blog, 0
A few genetically engineered fruits and vegetables are already available in grocery stores: Hawaiian papaya, some zucchini and squash,...
Seed Savers on Gardening Australia 9th August
jude, , Seed Blog, Uncategorized, 0
Filmed at Seed Savers in November 2013, Jerry Coleby-Williams presents a retrospective on Seed Savers on Gardening Australia at...