In Canada the right to save and condition seeds and reuse on their own farms is now a privilege under the new legislation proposed in parliament: are we seen the thin end of the wedge here, the door open to one day, withdraw it?
Right to Save Seeds Under Review
Our dear insect pollinators
Michel, , Seed Blog, Seed Blog Archives, 0
We love our pollinators. Check our Instagram for high speed videos of pollinators insects we meet. Here is a...
US pressures El Salvador to buy Monsanto's GMO seeds
otorongo, , Seed Blog, 0
US pressures El Salvador to buy Monsanto’s GMO seeds
Open Source Seeds: Way to Go in your Garden
Michel, , Seed Blog, 0
Open Source Seeds Hit the Market, Raise Awareness For the last 28 years have effectively put gardners in...
Bill Mollison & SeedSavers since 1986: Bill died peacefully in Hobart Tasmania
Michel, , Our People, Seed Blog, 0
Permaculture’s founder Bill Mollison lived in Tasmania with his wife Lisa near the fishing village where he was born...
Seed: The new untold story coming out
Michel, , Seed Blog, 0
Trailer This is just the trailer of a new doco on seeds. Our documentary is called “Our Seeds” a 57...
Will China open its market to Monsanto and Dupont?
Michel, , Seed Blog, 0 For two decades, foreign seed majors have beaten a path to China, lured by a market so big...
Permaculture: Lisa Mollison knows her potatoes
Michel, , Seed Blog, 0
She is here with Jude showing the fine points. You can trust her she has done that before, Learn...
A Local Seed Networks conference in Mudgee
Michel, , Seed Blog, 0
Seed savers growing for the future