She is here with Jude showing the fine points. You can trust her she has done that before,
Permaculture: Lisa Mollison knows her potatoes
SeedSavers is in its 30th year of action
Michel, , Seed Blog, 0
Congratulation to all the SeedSavers out there. It started during a Chinese New Year.
June and July Seed tour this european summer 2016
Michel, , Our People, Seed Blog, 0
Jude and Michel will be travelling to Singapore, Turkey, Italy and France this coming June and July. Michel will...
free seeds to share for ever
Michel, , Seed Blog, 0
The practice of sharing seeds as as old as humanity. Now branded a grand Open Source, the seeds are...
Bill Mollison passed away peacefully in Tasmania.
Michel, , Our People, Seed Blog, 0
Bill was such a big part of our family and our children. Jude and Michel Fanton the founder of SeedSavers...
Will China open its market to Monsanto and Dupont?
Michel, , Seed Blog, 0 For two decades, foreign seed majors have beaten a path to China, lured by a market so big...
Airbnb @ Seed Savers
jude, , Seed Blog, Uncategorized, 0
As of mid July 2014 it has become possible to stay at Seed Savers in an artistically renovated garden...
Pakistan Government Gives Free Hand to Monsanto et al
Michel, , Seed Blog, 0
What impoverished farmers need is a range of maize varieties that are suitable to their very location. No doubt...
Seed Freedom Festival in Adelaide September 27th
Michel, , Seed Blog, 0
Jude and Michel shared stories with the thousands attending The Seed Freedom Festival in Adelaide on September 27th, 2014,...