Christian came aboard in late 2013 to create the new Seed Savers website, complete with a social network system to facilitate the Local Seed Networks, Forums, Shop and new layout.
Chris’ background is in photography, design, web development and tech consultancy.
contact chris via
Christian Watts – Web Developer
From pesticide pusher to Minister of Environment
Michel, , Our People, 0
One of the initiators of Rio in 1992, Jose Luzenberger (1926-2002), met with us in Bonn, Germany in April...
Bill Mollison & SeedSavers since 1986: Bill died peacefully in Hobart Tasmania
Michel, , Our People, Seed Blog, 0
Permaculture’s founder Bill Mollison lived in Tasmania with his wife Lisa near the fishing village where he was born...
Dr. Vanaja Ramprasad
otorongo, , Our People, 0
We met Vanaja at a seed meeting with Vandana in Inida and we became friends. She invited us to...
Marvin the Ringneck
otorongo, , Our People, 0
Marvin the Indian Ringneck comes in every day and sings songs from all the other birds he has learnt....
Vanuatu. We Took Part In An Australian Aid Program. It Was More About Helping Your Country Than Ours
Michel, , Our People, Seed Blog Archives, 0
Australia has long held an ideological opposition to the way of life of my people in Vanuatu. Customary land,...
Alan Mordens "gives back" with Give peas a chance.
Michel, , Our People, 0
Alan Morden executive at Satchi n’ Satchi and his artist wife Denise gave seedsavers their best when they designed...
Michelle Margolis Garden of Eden in Sydney
Michel, , Our People, gardens, local, permaculture, seed saving, seedsavers, sydney, 0
Michele Margolis is a very active educator and mentor in Australian Permaculture spheres, and a strong voice and living...
Jerry Coleby-Williams interviews SeedSavers' Michel and Jude Fanton
Michel, , Our People, Seed Blog, 0
Aug 9th 2014: on ABC TV Gardening Australia”A SeedSavers retrospective” with Jerry CW, long time friend & board member....